Search for a Black Christian Heritage

This four part series of 30 minutes documentaries produced for international and ecumenical audiences includes the following productions.

 Egypt the Missing Hyphen of the Judeo-Christian Heritage centers on the Egyptian contributions to the Christian faith we practice today. The program portrays the Egyptians as a Black race. It shows the evidence of the link between the Bible and Egyptians writing and elements of Baptism that began in Egypt ; as well as Christian symbols borrowed from Egyptian culture. Scholars who are featured represent Catholic, Methodists and Episcopalian scholarship.

 The Black People's Presence in the Bible focuses on the Black personalities listed in the Bible and the Chosen people interaction with African peoples. It also features the explanation of the races in the Bible and the historical misunderstanding of the Bible and slavery.

 The African Contributions to Christianity is a survey of the hundreds of saints recognized by the Church from Africa , principally the Nile Valley . It focuses on Sts. Augustine and Monica, Felicity and Perpetua and many others. There are also the Black saints that we are familiar with such as Sts. Benedict the Moor, Martin De Porres and the Martyrs of Uganda .

 Black Roman Catholicism Today surveys the nations throughout the world that have the largest numbers of Catholic of African descent. It begins with the history of the Church among people of African descent and follows the slave trade in charting the origins of Black Catholics in the New World . The program culminates with the estimation of the growth of Black Catholics worldwide forming the largest Christian organization for people of African descent.



© Catholic African World Network, 2005